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Fragile (Shattered Book 2)
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Copyright © 2017 by Diana Nixon
All rights reserved
No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval systems, without prior written permission of the author except where permitted by law.
The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.
Edited by: Laura Hernandez
Cover design by: Amina Black
She was off the limits for many reasons: too young, too naïve, and too beautiful to resist. But most of all – because she was my best friend’s little sister. She was like a taboo that should have never been broken.
But we crossed the line together… We gave in to the temptation and made a mistake that changed us forever.
Years passed, but for some unknown reason, the memories of her never stopped haunting my dreams.
I was even more obsessed with her than I was years ago, while she hated me to the bone. And she had a very good reason to feel that way…
“I owe you a lifetime of us, and I will not let you down, not again…”
6 years ago
“Stay where you are, don’t move, hands up!” A female voice said warningly behind me.
It was not exactly the way I expected my morning to start. And, considering how much I drank last night, I didn’t expect it to start any time soon for that matter.
“Easy there, Sweetheart,” I said, still standing with my back, my completely naked back, to whoever was in the room with me now. No matter how exhausted or smashed I was, I never went to bed dressed. Not that my boxers would suddenly strangle me in the middle of the night, but I was just that guy who loved freedom, in everything.
“Who are you? And what the hell are you doing in my room?”
“Your room?” The wheels of my beer-plus-vodka-intoxicated mind started to turn.
Last night, my friend Stanley and I went to Storm - our favorite place all over the city - to celebrate the beginning of our summer vacation. After the party was over, we went to his place to celebrate some more and at some point, I must have passed out because I didn’t remember a damn thing about what happened after we opened the second bottle of vodka and up until a few minutes ago, when I woke up feeling so damn thirsty, I could drink a gallon of water if I got a chance to get to the fridge. I got out of bed, reached for my clothes lying on the floor and then she entered the room.
“Crystal?” I said, as the realization hit me. She was Stanley’s youngest sister. It must have been in her room where I passed out last night. I knew she was out of the city, and she was definitely the last person my naked ass expected to see first thing in the morning.
I reached for my clothes again.
“Keep your hands up!” She said again.
“Calm down. It’s just me - Liam.”
The lights came on and she gasped. “Liam? What the fuck?”
Slowly, I turned around and started to laugh. She was holding a hairbrush in one hand and an emery board in her other hand.
“Don’t you know that it’s not polite to meet guests armed to the teeth, Sissy?” I knew she hated me calling her that, but I loved the name I gave her once, and I never missed my chance to use it.
“You scared the hell out of me!” She breathed a sigh of relief and put her ‘weapons’ on her vanity table.
I chuckled. “Do you still mind if I put my hands down?” Not that I was ashamed of standing in my full glory in front of a girl. But she was not just any girl, she was Stanley’s sister and I was sure he would cut my balls off for the mere thought of getting naked in front of her, no matter how old she was.
Her chocolate eyes slid down my torso and all the way to my manhood.
She crossed her arms, her lips curled into a cat-like smile. “I do mind, actually… You haven’t answered my question, remember? So, what are you doing in my room?”
I ignored her question. “I always knew you wanted me naked in your bed.” I winked at her. I don’t know why, but Crystal and I had never been besties. We either were saying something perky to each other, or pretended we didn’t know each other at all. Even when kinds, we always fought over something stupid, like a piece of a chocolate pie that she and I both loved more than anything in the world, or a TV show to watch or a seat on a carousel that was too small for two people. In short, she had always been a pain in the ass.
“You give yourself too much credit,” she snapped, suddenly turning red.
I always loved making her blush, apart from other things I loved doing to give her a hard time.
In a low voice I said, “Then why does it look like you are enjoying the view?”
Her eyes stayed locked with mine. There was something in her gaze that I couldn’t get. It had always been like that. No matter when or where we met, I could never read the thoughts running through that smart mind of hers. Even though I was four years older than her, I always felt like she was ahead of the curve.
“Go to hell, Liam,” she hissed after a short pause.
“Can I take a shower first? I don’t want the devil to think I’m a pig.”
She smirked, her eyes slid to my manhood again. “Make sure the shower is cold.”
My gaze followed hers. My ‘rise and shine’ was too obvious to not see it. But Sissy didn’t seem to be embarrassed witnessing it.
Crap… Perfect timing, man.
“It’s all your fault,” I said, as I put my hands on my hips. “You showed up when I least expected a female intrusion.”
“Does your tool react the same way to every girl its owner lays his shameless eyes on?”
“Shameless eyes?” I laughed. “Look who’s talking! You wouldn’t let me get dressed, remember? Which makes me think that my assumptions about your desire to see me naked in your bed are not so far away from the truth after wall.”
“Take your shit and get the hell out of my room. Now!”
“Or what?” I stepped closer. She didn’t step back.
“Or I will tell Stan you wanted to seduce me.”
“Go ahead, call him.” I knew she would never do that.
Or maybe I should have thought twice before jumping to conclusions...
“Stanley!” She opened the door and shouted as loud as she could.
“Oh, you gonna pay for it.” I grabbed my boxers and jeans and started to put them on, which was not easy I must say, considering my moves were still a bit slow to dress up in ten seconds or so.
Just when I zipped my jeans, Stan walked into the room.
“Morning, sunshine,” he said to his sister, kissing her on both cheeks. “I didn’t know you were going to be back today. I thought you would stay at the lake house until your graduation ball.”
“The weather got worse. Besides, I wanted my return to be a surprise. But it looks like a surpr
ise has been waiting for me.” She pointed at me.
“Liam? What are you doing here?” He looked suspiciously at my naked chest. “Didn’t I tell you to take the guest room?”
“I must have entered the wrong room. You know I could barely stand on my feet last night.”
“Right.” He looked at Crystal. “Sorry, sis. I should have shown him the guest room.”
“No worries, Liam and I have had a great morning conversation, right?” She blessed me with her best bitchy smile. “But next time you feel like getting drunk, make sure it’s not my bed where you crash to sleep it off.”
Stan gave me a disapproving look.
“I’ll remember that,” I said. Then I grabbed my shirt from the floor and put it on.
“Will wait for you in the kitchen,” Stan said, leaving the room.
I stopped in front of Crystal and said quietly, so that her brother wouldn’t hear me, “Next time you want to see me naked, you are welcome to come and wait for me in my bed. You know where I live, right?”
“Get out, Liam.”
“Have a nice day, Sissy.”
She pushed me out of her room and slammed the door shut behind me.
I laughed and shook my head. She and I were a lost cause.
I hadn’t seen Crystal for almost a year. Last time we met, she was about to start her final year of high school and I was at the beginning of my fourth year of college. She looked like a typical nerd, never letting a book out of her hands. Whenever I was around, she treated me like I was the worst person in the world. Though I still didn’t know why I deserved such a special attitude from her. None of Stan’s friends had ever received as many ‘compliments’ from her as I did.
But this morning I saw a completely different girl. It was not the Crystal I knew. This new Sissy was more confident and even more beautiful than ever…
I shall admit it, Crystal was the most attractive nerd, I had ever met. And with time, her attractiveness became even more obvious. A pair of torn jeans that she was wearing today outlined her every curve. The bottom of her snow-white shirt was tied in a knot, right above her navel. Her dark-brown hair was tied in a high ponytail, making me want to wrap it around my hand and pull her closer… No matter how wrong the thought was.
She was off limits for many reasons. But all of them went down the drain the second I drowned in those magnetic eyes of hers. I had never met her boyfriends, or heard about her going on a date, but I was sure she had a long list of admirers who wouldn’t mind waking up in her bed, accidentally or not.
As for my choice of bed last night, my conscience was telling me that it was far from being accidental. I knew exactly where I was, only I had no idea why I suddenly felt like going to her room instead of the guest room. I remembered stopping at her door and hesitating. Then I let myself in and probably fell asleep the moment my head touched the pillow that smelled like roses. Did I want the owner of that pillow to be with me at that moment? I sure did not… Or did I?
Present Day
“For fuck’s sake, guys! Can you move even slower?”
Elizabeth laughed behind me. “Stop yelling at them. We still have about five hours before the show begins.”
“We ONLY have FIVE hours to get the studio ready for Pittsburgh’s biggest fashion show of this summer and we have just a small part of my to-do list done. So there’s no way in hell I’m gonna sit and wait for the idiots to screw up the night you and I have been working our asses off to get ready for.” I looked around the room full of scared as shit waiters who knew perfectly well that messing with me would be the biggest mistake of their lives. It was not the first event of the Riot Design Studio that they have been serving, and my panic and screaming were no longer news for them.
“Take a deep breath and try to calm down, Crys. You don’t want to scare away everyone before they get to the end of your to-do list, right?”
“Sorry, Liz. You know me – I am responsible for everything that is going on here while you are taking a break to look after baby Olivia, and I can’t let you down.”
“I’d be lost without you.”
Liz smiled and hugged me tightly.
She and I have been best friends for as long as I could remember. We grew up together, we went to the same school and even celebrated our birthdays on the same day. But after my dearest friend gave birth to her little daughter, the work of her design studio became my 24/7 responsibility. For the biggest part of the week, Liz stayed at home with my precious Goddaughter Olivia, and worked on the new sketches, while I did the rest. And the rest consisted of so much work; I couldn’t remember the last time I took a break or spent my weekends at home. I didn’t even remember the last time I went on a date. Well, for that, I needed to find a boyfriend first, but it was not on my to-do list at the moment, so my personal life had to wait. At least until the upcoming fashion show was over. After that, Liz insisted I went on vacation. And right now, I hoped my plans about a ten-day trip to the Bahamas would not be ruined. Otherwise, whoever was going to give me a look that I might not like was gonna die.
I heard a loud noise and turned to the right to see one of the guys decorating the showroom trying to lift the banner that should have been hanging on the wall by now.
“You have got to be kidding me.” I started to walk towards the poor guy.
“Take it easy on him!” Liz called after me.
“Sure. Sure.”
“I’m so sorry, Miss. I’ll fix it right away.”
“Do you have any idea how much the thing that you just let slip through your butter fingers cost?”
“No harm has been done. See?” The guy turned the banner to show me that it was safe and sound.
I felt a little sorry for him. He looked like he was afraid I would swallow him alive if I saw even a tiny scratch on our newly designed, shining banner.
“All right,” I said calmly. “Put it on the wall and make sure it stays there.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Just look at you, sis,” I heard Stanley say behind me. “As bossy as always.”
I sneered and turned to give my big brother a hug. He’s been helping me a lot, while Elizabeth and her hubby Kameron were enjoying their life as a newly-made family.
“What are you doing here?” I asked my brother.
“Just stopped by to see if your employees are still alive. I’m a doctor, remember? I’m worried about the people surrounding you on such an important day as today.”
“Ha-ha, very funny, Stan. I am not as much of a bitch as you and everyone else here thinks I am.”
“Oh, yeah? Then why did the guy you just talked to look like a rabbit praying for his life in front of a boa?”
I rolled my eyes. “You are exaggerating.”
“I wish.” Stan smirked. “Anyway, what do you say if I take you out for lunch?”
“Sorry, I can’t go. Liz needs me here. Maybe next time.”
“Okay.” He looked disappointed.
“Is everything all right?” I asked a little worried. My brother was one of those people whose face always gave their every thought away.
“Yeah. It’s just…” He hesitated. “I got a job offer. In Washington.”
“What? But that’s great news, isn’t it?”
“I guess…”
“You don’t want to leave Pittsburgh, do you? Is it because of Dad?”
About two months ago, our father had an operation on his back and was still recovering. Doctors said he would never be able to walk again, but we didn’t lose hope.
“I can’t leave him alone, Crystal.” Stan ran one hand through his hair. Being a doctor in this particular case only made the decision about leaving harder to make. He knew exactly what our father was going through. So naturally, he was worried about leaving him without his supervision.
“He’s not alone, Stanley.” I rubbed my brother’s back gently. “Mom, the nurse and I will look after him. Besides, there are m
any great doctors in the city. He will be well supervised even if you decide to leave. But it’s your choice to make and I’m not gonna push it.”
“What would you do if you were me?”
“I’m a silly, often screaming and even more often crying girl. What do you think I would do? I would most likely cry myself to death, even before the decision is made.”
Stan and I laughed. He, of all people, knew how close it was to the possible scenario.
“I would probably have the same doubts you do, but in the end - it’s your dream to follow. No one can take it away from you. Besides, I’m sure Dad would tell you the same thing. He would never forgive himself for being an obstacle on your way to success.”
“I know. And this is exactly why you were the first person I wanted to hear the news. Mom would probably pack my bags the moment she heard about the offer.”
“She always wanted you to become a great plastic surgeon, Stan. She will support whatever decision you make, even if she hates the idea of letting you fly the nest.”
“I’m a big boy, I can take care of myself.”
“Do your shirts and pants know that?” I smiled ironically. It’s not like my brother didn’t know how to use an iron, but mom never let him iron his clothes, afraid he would burn them all.
“My clothes will have to get used to the new life with me only. Besides, I still have time to think about what to do next. They gave me a month to make the final decision.”
“I’m sure you will make the right one.”
“Thanks, sis.” He kissed my forehead and then looked around the studio. “Do you need help? I’m free for the rest of the day.”
“We do actually. Will you look after Olivia? I need Liz to help me with the show seating.”
“You want me to look after the baby?”
The look on Stan’s face was just too funny to hold back my smile.
“You’ll be fine. She’s just a little girl.”
“I have never stayed alone with kids.”
“Don’t worry. Olivia is a pure treasure.”
Stan gave me a doubtful look. Apparently, he had heard about Liz’s sleepless nights. Olivia just loved waking up every night and stay awake for hours. She was almost eight months old now, but my best friend still couldn’t leave her with anyone but Kameron, who was off to LA at the moment and wasn’t going to be back up until tonight’s show. That’s why Stan’s help was just what we needed.