Hate at First Sight Read online

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  I remembered the messages we shared last night. It was just about time to get the promised dance. So I put on my best smile, and went to her table.

  “May I ask you for a dance?”

  Megan’s eyes widened. She didn’t expect to see me there. She nodded wordlessly, I took her hand in mine and led her out on the dance floor.

  With her right hand in mine and her left hand on my shoulder, we started moving slowly with the sound of music filling the entire space around us.

  “I didn’t know you were back,” she said.

  “I tried my best to come back as soon as possible.” I pulled her closer for a moment and then released her, spinning her around. When I pressed her back to my chest, I bowed my head to her ear, saying, “Did you miss me?”

  She smiled turning to face me. “Far from it.”

  “Oh, yes, I can see that you are too busy with other guys to remember me.”

  “Why do you care?”

  My embrace tightened. “What if I’m jealous?”

  “No way!” She laughed at my reply. “You of all people should know how meaningless a one-night-stand relationship is.”

  “What if I want you for more than one night?”

  She hesitated for a moment. “This is one of those things you are not ready to handle.”

  “Why don’t you give me a little more credit?”

  “What for?”

  “Give me three days, and I’ll prove that you are wrong.”

  “You like challenges, don’t you?”

  “Oh, yes, Baby. I like them more than anything.”

  I thought Megan wouldn’t rise to it, when suddenly she said, “Fine. You have until Saturday morning.”

  I applauded mentally at my small victory. “When Saturday morning comes, you won’t be able to think about anything, but being in my embrace.”

  “Don’t overestimate your powers, Mr. Perfect. I’m a tough nut to break.”

  “I’m not going to break you, Megan. I’m going to show you how good building pleasures can be.”

  “What about Annabel? You didn’t tell me she was your ex.”

  “My what? Who on earth told you that?”

  “So it’s not true?”

  “Of course not! We’ve never dated. Does our relationship bother you?”

  “Not at all.”

  But there was one thing that bothered me. “Who’s Jeff? And why did you miss your date with him today?”

  Megan lowered her eyes, staring blankly at the bottom of my shirt. “Jeff … is just a friend from school.”

  “Hmm … something tells me that he’s more than just a friend.”

  “I don’t have anything else to say, so why don’t we change the subject?”

  “As you wish.” I could see that the subject wasn’t pleasant for Megan to discuss, and I wondered if Jeff had anything to do with her escape….

  When the song ended, I led Megan back to her friends, found Owen and ordered a drink for myself.

  “And here I thought you said you didn’t like her,” he commented on our dance.

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “But you said you were not ready for a long-term relationship, that she deserved more than a one-night stand.”

  “Yeah, well, I think I can try something different this time.”

  “Just don’t break her heart, Aiden.”

  “Not going to.”

  “I hope so. Cheers!”


  We stayed in the club for about an hour, and then Megan found us, and said she wanted to go home. I couldn’t help but agree that it was about time to leave. I hated clubs, and even when I finally went out into the street it still felt like music was bumping in my head.

  “What were you doing in the club?” Megan asked from the back seat.

  “Your brother and I needed an escape,” I said.

  “And a drink,” Owen added. “How was the meeting with old friends?”

  “Good. Only now I realize how much I missed them.”

  “It’s your graduation year, so why don’t you come back here?”

  I looked in the rear-view mirror and met Megan’s thoughtful eyes staring back at me.

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea,” she said after a short pause. “I’m used to the noisy streets and traffic jams. And I’m sure that local peacefulness and silence will drive me crazy in no time.”

  “What about Bristol?” I asked. “It’s a big city, but not as overcrowded as London.”

  “I don’t know anyone there. Besides, I have already found a job in London.”

  “You could work with us,” Owen said, as if reading my mind. The thought was thrilling, but a little scary at the same time. Three days in the company of a beautiful woman is one thing, but working with her side by side is quite different.

  “It’s a very hard decision to make,” she said, as if she was waiting for me to repeat Owen’s offer. But I didn’t….

  The rest of the way back home we spent in silence. And somehow it felt like it was my fault. I could feel the tension growing between the three of us. Owen knew that something was going on between his sister and me, he wasn’t blind after all.

  Megan avoided my gaze, but I wasn’t going to give up my plan about her. And the first step should have been done right away….

  Chapter 11


  I was glad to spend a few hours away from home, wedding preparations and my thoughts about Aiden. Though I never expected to see him in the club, and our last conversation left a very strange feeling inside me. I didn’t know how to describe it. It was a mixture of disappointment and hope. And the excitement about the upcoming three days that he wanted to spend with me.

  I returned to my room about midnight. I was so tired that I didn’t even want to take a shower, but the disgusting smell of cigarettes that I could feel all over my skin and hair made me drag myself to the bathroom, where I tried to rub away the traces of my evening’s entertainments.

  I couldn’t fall asleep, and I didn’t know how long I had been awake, when suddenly someone’s warm arm wrapped around my waist, and soft lips kissed my shoulder. The familiar scent burned my nostrils, and I inhaled deeply enjoying the mixture of shampoo and aftershave. I didn’t want to open my eyes, afraid to ruin the beautiful dream.

  Shivers ran down my spine, following the fingers drawing barely tangible circles on my back; an ache crept through my body and my breathing deepened.

  There was only one person able to make me tremble in seconds. And he was there now: in my bed, in my dream.


  I could feel his kisses covering my neck and moving slowly up to my ear. He brushed his hands down my body and stopped at the edge of my nightgown caressing my hip, before his palm slipped to a small, lacy piece of my lingerie.

  I groaned quietly, waiting for the palm to move further. Instead, it moved up to my stomach pushing my back to a flat, hard chest behind me.

  My heart missed a beat when the soft fingers reached my breast. I rolled onto my back to give them a better access to whatever they wanted to touch. My lips curled into a smile, as I lifted my hands to run them up the strong arms and shoulders. I dug my fingers into their skin and pulled Aiden closer. He wrapped his legs around mine pinning me to the sheets with his torso. Not that I minded being his prisoner of course.

  “Kiss me,” he asked in a whisper. And I obeyed.

  When my lips found his, my mind exploded into millions of small pieces, and there was no way we could stop our sweet play. Every inch of me tensed when I felt Aiden’s palm sliding to the most sensitive part of my body.

  “Oh, God,” he breathed into the curve of my neck. “You are so soft and sweet. I can’t keep myself away from you. I want to explore every inch of you; kiss and taste you everywhere.”

  “Then what are you waiting for?” I was desperate. I didn’t want him to stop. But that was exactly what he did….

  “Not tonight,” he said, before his lips cr
ushed on mine again, and his hands started stroking my back and sides.

  The pulsation in my belly was unbearable, but no matter how hard I tried to make Aiden stay, he left. Leaving me and my crazy desires unsatisfied….

  The sexy images of Aiden and me in each other’s embrace never left me till the morning. I had been turning and tossing for hours, when the alarm clock finally rang, saving me from my dreamy torture. What a night!

  I desperately needed a cup of coffee. I put on my robe and ran downstairs. Thank God, the kitchen was empty. I looked at the clock on the wall - 5:30 a.m. What? Uh, the week at home was going to finish me off soon. I shook my head, yawning.

  When the coffee was ready, I took my cup and went to the terrace. I sat on a chair and wrapped a blanket around my legs.

  The color of the sky reminded me of those early mornings when I woke up at the break of dawn just to draw the surroundings, illuminated by the first rays of summer sun. Yes, there was a time when I adored drawing. I could spend hours, locked in my room and creating new pictures of different places and things I wanted to see. Too bad I didn’t manage to improve my drawing skills. Economics took most of my time.

  My dad always liked my works. He said I saw only good things about the life around me. Well, yes, it was true … until one day I realized that what I saw wasn’t real, and that the world around me was far from what I imagined it to be.

  I sighed sadly. Too many things had changed since that time….

  The glass door behind me opened, and I spilled my coffee, caught off guard by the unexpected guest.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Aiden said, taking a seat next to me.

  “This chair is too small for the two of us,” I said, moving to give him more space.

  He looked at me, a cunning smile playing on his lips. “Maybe I want to be as close to you as possible.”

  “Yeah, so I thought,” I said, watching him. His hair wasn’t combed, a five-o’clock shadow covered his cheeks and chin, but he still looked perfect. Like a man that every woman would love to see first thing in the morning. He was wearing jeans and white T-shirt, his feet were bare.

  “Isn’t it too early for a coffee?” he asked, nodding towards the cup in my hands.

  “No, it’s just the right time to have it. Want some?”


  I thought he would take my cup and take a few sips. Instead, he put his palms around mine and brought the cup to his lips, making me move closer; his eyes never left mine.

  “Mmm … you are right. It’s a perfect time for a cup of coffee.” Then his gaze slipped to my lips, and he leaned forward. “What about a morning kiss?” he asked softly.

  I shook my head. “Bad timing.”

  Aiden laughed quietly, taking another sip of my coffee. “Last night you didn’t mind kissing me.”

  I stopped breathing at once. “What?” There was no way he knew about my dream.

  “And I remember how hard you tried to make me stay.”

  No freaking way….

  “And you almost succeeded. My desire to stay was beyond understanding.”

  I couldn’t believe it was real. “You are kidding me, right?”

  Aiden frowned, staring back at me. “No.”

  “So it wasn’t a dream?”

  “A what?” He chuckled, as he put my cup on the floor, near the chair.

  “Oh, no….” I closed my eyes, feeling the predatory blush covering me from head to toe.

  “You thought it was a dream?” Aiden put a finger under my chin. “Look at me, Megan. Do I look like a man who enjoys seducing half-asleep women?”

  I desperately wanted to sink under the floor.

  “Answer the question, Megs.”


  Aiden rose to his feet, his eyes flashed mischievously.

  But there was one thing I wanted to know. “Why did you leave?” I asked, meeting his stare.

  He put his hands on both sides of the chair, leaning over me. “Because I’m sure that making love with you can’t be a quiet moment. And I didn’t want your parents or brother to kick me out of this house in the middle of the night.”

  My body ached pleasantly at his words, but I didn’t want Aiden to see my excitement. I tried to keep calm, even though he was too close to ignore the heat coming from his body. I was too ashamed to say a word. That’s why it was a surprise for both of us when I stood up and slowly wrapped my arms around Aiden’s waist.

  “Two can play this game, you know?” I said. And then I kissed him on the lips.

  They still tasted like coffee and cream, and it was the first time since our night ‘meeting’ when I realized how much I actually needed that morning kiss.

  Aiden put his palm at the back of my neck and deepened the kiss, driving me totally crazy. How on earth was I supposed to keep calm for three days, when every second with him felt like pure torture? A very sweet and intoxicating torture, my mind added. Damn….

  My hands slipped under his shirt, and my nails dug into his back skin making him groan.

  “Who would have thought that you were such a demoness?” he said, breathless. “I thought you were going to keep playing that inaccessible part of yours. Three days … are you sure you are ready to take this dare?”

  “No kisses and night visits?”


  “Then what are we going to do?”

  “Trust me, you won’t be disappointed.”

  “Hmm…” Suddenly I realized that what was going to happen after those three days bothered me more than 72 hours of innocent smiles and walks along the beach.


  “What will be the prize for the winner of this bet?”

  “If you win, I will do anything you say. If I win … you will spend the night after the wedding with me.”

  And it sounded like the best prize ever. Not that I was going to lose the bet of course.

  “Fine. Let’s do this.” Was I sure about my words? Not really….

  “But first … can I get one more kiss?” And before I could answer, Aiden took me by the hand, opened the first door he saw and shut it behind me, locking the two of us in the darkness of a small room.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, feeling his hands moving slowly up and down my sides.

  “I didn’t want anyone to see us,” he whispered into my lips. Then his palms slid to my hips and he pushed me to the door, lifting me up and wrapping my legs around his waist.

  “I like feeling you so close to me,” he said, brushing my lips with his. I met his hungry kiss willingly and closed my eyes, reveled in the sensations it was sending through my body. Even when Aiden pressed himself harder against me, it still felt like he was too far away from me.

  “This is going to be one hell of a dare,” he whispered, as if reading my mind.

  “You asked for that yourself,” I replied, sucking his bottom lip slightly.

  My heart was beating wildly. And so was Aiden’s. Whatever we shared wasn’t just a kiss. It was a masterpiece of our seduction arts that made the temperature around us rise several degrees.

  I didn’t remember the moment the kiss broke. All I knew was that it was breathtaking.

  Half an hour later I was standing in front of my mirror, trying to choose something to wear for the first date with Aiden. I didn’t know where he was going to take me to, as all he said before he left was, “Be ready in an hour.”

  Yes, it sounded intriguing, and I couldn’t wait to see him again. And somehow I was sure he will keep his word about the kisses and the rest. Even though I didn’t know Aiden well, I knew he would do his best to tease me as much as possible.

  But the only thing he didn’t know was that I was going to do the same thing to him….

  I put on a pair of my favorite jeans, combined with light-brown top and golden shoes on high heels. To make things worse, I drew back my hair in a high bun, knowing that the view of my neck and shoulders was one of those things that Aiden couldn’t lea
ve unnoticed. Generally speaking, I was ready for the first round of our game. And I was going to enjoy every moment of it.

  Screw the rules and fears. I deserved a few days of fun, and my plans for the future could wait until next week.

  Chapter 12


  I wanted the first date to be special. It was actually the first time I had asked someone for a date. All those times I spent with other women could be called anything, but dates.

  “Ready?” I asked Megan, opening the door on the passenger’s side.

  “I don’t think it matters, considering that I have no idea about your plans for today.”

  I smiled. “You will like it.”

  “You’d better be right,” she replied, getting into the car.

  She looked stunning, and I couldn’t but admit that her love for high heels was one of those things that made me crazy about her. And I needed to try my best to get rid of an image of her wearing nothing, but those heels….

  “So where are we going?” she asked, as I started the engine.

  “I’m sure you know this place, but let it be a secret for a few more minutes.” Out of the corner of my eye I saw Megan’s smile. I knew she was excited about the date, and so was I.

  I took her to the dancing studio, where she took ballroom dancing classes a few years ago. According to my plan, we were supposed to share a tango. It had always been one of the most fascinating dances for me, and I couldn’t wait to see how good Megan was at it. I wasn’t an expert, but I knew the moves, and I was ready to follow her instructions.

  “Now, close your eyes,” I said, as I stopped at the back entrance of the studio.

  I helped Megan step out of the car and led her to the building. When we entered one of the dancing rooms, Megan opened her eyes and exclaimed excitedly, “No way! Ballroom dancing?”

  “I thought you could give me a few lessons.”

  “How did you know I liked dancing?”

  “I know almost everything about you, remember?”

  “I’m going to kill Owen one day,” she said, shaking her head. “I doubt he ever told you about his own dark secrets.”